The cream of Dutch steel yacht building at Boot- HollandThe cream of Dutch steel yacht building at Boot- Holland

feb 9, 2016 | NJI nieuws

2016 Boot Holland lures ever more international visitors

LEEUWARDEN ~ Boot Holland always comes hard on the heels of Boot Düsseldorf. But skip it and you’ll miss out on the cream of steel yacht builders, a Dutch specialty that goes from strength to strength.

The 2016 edition (Feb. 12-17) drew 50 ground-breaking debuts by such well-known yards as Brandsma Jachten, De Boarnstream, Aquanaut Yachting, Serious Yachts, Grouwster Vlet and Super Lauwersmeer/Frisian Motorboats.

Rheben Yachts shows off the Rheben Allure 1300 AC which comes in different hull shapes. De Boarnstream will show the Elegance 1100 Sedan, Abim Yachting presents a revamped ABIM-Classic 118 in an ‘Exclusive’’ version and Super Lauwersmeer/Frisian Motorboats shows both the Super Lauwersmeer Discovery 45 in aft cabin and open cockpit versions. Most new yachts will be moored at Hall 3.

Show Manager Pieter Fokkema: “”if you are interested in a steel-hulled yacht you should come to Boot Holland.” His advice is not wasted on foreigners. “About a third of our visitors come from outside the Netherlands. We increasingly see more Belgians and Germans, but also people from Switzerland, Luxembourg and Britain” Boating enthusiasts appreciate the friendly atmosphere and the high quality of this event.

Boot Holland and its 300 exhibitors sprawls across 5 show halls covering 40,000 square meters. The show also lures suppliers like Yanmar, Vetus, NPS Diesel, Honda, Volvo Penta, makers of anything from teak decks to electronics to kite boards. A significant portion of the show is devoted to classical boats.

For information and online tickets Boot Holland lures ever more international visitors

LEEUWARDEN ~ Boot Holland always comes hard on the heels of Boot Düsseldorf. But skip it and you’ll miss out on the cream of steel yacht builders, a Dutch specialty that goes from strength to strength.

The 2016 edition (Feb. 12-17) drew 50 ground-breaking debuts by such well-known yards as Brandsma Jachten, De Boarnstream, Aquanaut Yachting, Serious Yachts, Grouwster Vlet and Super Lauwersmeer/Frisian Motorboats.

Rheben Yachts shows off the Rheben Allure 1300 AC which comes in different hull shapes. De Boarnstream will show the Elegance 1100 Sedan, Abim Yachting presents a revamped ABIM-Classic 118 in an ‘Exclusive’’ version and Super Lauwersmeer/Frisian Motorboats shows both the Super Lauwersmeer Discovery 45 in aft cabin and open cockpit versions. Most new yachts will be moored at Hall 3.

Show Manager Pieter Fokkema: “”if you are interested in a steel-hulled yacht you should come to Boot Holland.” His advice is not wasted on foreigners. “About a third of our visitors come from outside the Netherlands. We increasingly see more Belgians and Germans, but also people from Switzerland, Luxembourg and Britain” Boating enthusiasts appreciate the friendly atmosphere and the high quality of this event.

Boot Holland and its 300 exhibitors sprawls across 5 show halls covering 40,000 square meters. The show also lures suppliers like Yanmar, Vetus, NPS Diesel, Honda, Volvo Penta, makers of anything from teak decks to electronics to kite boards. A significant portion of the show is devoted to classical boats.

For information and online tickets

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